Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts

Complete login and sign up app on php

Complete login and sign up app on php

A complete Login and Sign up syastem project has given below.........
php login system

Special operators in programming languages

Special operators in programming languages

Special characters are use to do several operation in programming languages.

Open The BIOS Technic

Open The BIOS Technic

BIOS stands for "basic input/output system."This softwer cheecks the health of your computer hardware and allow windows to start.when you turn on pc,it's BIOS runs a power-on-self-test (POST) toensure that the machine's devices (hard drive,sound card,keyboard,and the like) are conneccted and working properly.If the test finds no problems,the BIOS twrnes over control of your pc to another picce of software,typically the operating system.

Steps to speed up your RAM

Steps to speed up your RAM

You can set the Local Security Policy to clean the page file during system shutdown. By default this policy is disabled that means it does not delete the page files when the system is shut down. When this policy is enabled, the virtual memory page file is cleared during system shutdown. But enabling this policy the system startup and shutdown process take some additional time to complete. That means it slow down the startup and the shutdown process.