Showing posts with label Programming in c. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Programming in c. Show all posts

Special operators in programming languages

Special operators in programming languages

Special characters are use to do several operation in programming languages.

Collection of useful keywords use in Turbo c

Collection of useful keywords use in Turbo c

Keyword means the words what have special value and meaning to the compiler.If we use that as identifier there will be an error during compilation.There  have about 43 or more  keywords in Turbo C. Let's see what are these?.
See the table below of Turbo C  keywords.....

Flowchart symbols and description for programming

Flowchart symbols and description

This post is for beginners.Many of us like programming and want to do program in different language.So start with basic knowledge of programming.The first step to do a program is  writing an algorithm and the second one is writing a flow chart.Now i will show your the symbols of flowchart with description.

  • Let's start with the symbols and description

keyboard shortcuts in Turbo C

keyboard shortcuts in Turbo C

Its a post for programming lovers .Today i am going to introduce you  Turbo C compiler keyboard shortcuts.Keep visiting this site to be a programming expert.No more, it's time to start the lesson.
Turbo c keyborad shortcuts

First C program to print a line

First C program to print a line

C is a 3rd generation or mid-level language.C is so popular popular for its qualities.It's have lots of built in functions and operation to solve problems. Lets start with a C program.

 1.To show a line as output you have to use printf();
Syntax of printf():
 printf("  ");
  • The text you to show as output should be write  within double qoutation.
  • The function should be close with semi-colon;
  • printf should be in lowercase.

Start with programming c

Start with programming c

1.To write program in C language you'll need following tools:
  •  Borland C or C++ or Turbo C.
2. I work with Borland c++ too write c program.
3.Lets introduce with IDE.